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Writer's pictureDwayne L Albin


Updated: Mar 21

Which version of the Bible do you rely upon?

Which translation is best?

To some, any version suffices, the more explicit the better (New Living Translation, Amplified Version). To others, strict adherence to the original Greek and early Latin (Youngs Literal Translation, Geneva, King James Version).

To many, faithfulness to the original languages yet written in more modern vernacular (NASB, NKJV, ESV) is not only preferred, but almost insinuated to be an absolute necessity, "If you truly desire to be faithful to God and His Word".

Yes, the debate between Word for Word translations and Paraphrase translations does have merit but most Bible versions tell us more than enough. Let's step back and look at what the Author of the Owner's Manual has done to make His message for us not only understandable but unmistakably clear and applicable, to even the most novice of readers.

Just as our Creator has given humanity the ability to reason and discern, then surrounded us with overwhelming evidence of His reality to the extent that, "No one has an excuse to deny God's existence" (Romans 1:20), God has also provided overwhelming evidence to how we are to live... If we are truly one of His. "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' yet do not do what I say?" - Luke 6:45

The Bible, all translations, tells of God's interaction with the crown jewel of His creation... people (created in both the image and likeness of God).

Yet, just as the crown jewel of the angelic host chose to love "self" over loving God, mankind also fell into that condition, subjecting ALL of creation (the entire universe) to the consequences of this rebellion. You may ask, "How or why would Adam and Eve's choice of loving self (thus breaking God's Greatest Command) effect other solar systems or galaxies billions of lightyears from our planet Earth?

The Bible shows us that God offers a choice to either Love Him or to Love self, because love without choice is not sincere or genuine.

The Bible teaches us about having a representative (a champion), selecting someone superior to most (preferably to all), who obviously has a distinct advantage to succeed. Adam and Eve, perfect in every aspect, represented all peoples; and when the best of all humanity rebelled by breaking the Greatest of all Commands, sin was actualized into existence. Humanity, as with satan, now began prioritizing and loving SELF.

SELF accounts for every sin, from idol worship (self creating a god) to coveting (self wants what another has). This is why Jesus explains, "Anger equates to murder, Lust equates to adultery" (Matthew 5:21,28), because SELF is the inception and source of all sin.

SELF also accounts for the variety of Bible Versions, the variety of Churches, and the array of Denominations. Self prefers this more than that.

Yet God allowed for the rebellion of loving self to exist for a period within His eternity, called TIME.

Every atom within this Universe is now governed by Time; everything, everywhere, began to decay and is temporal because God put a limit for the existence of a creation defiled by sin.

Time is the result of MERCY, where the Pure and Holy God of love allows for REPENTANCE, a choice to turn from self to selfless, from worldly to Christ-like.

But God did not abandon fallen, rebellious, selfish humanity, but instead began to reason with us. "Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD. Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them was white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool." - Isaiah 1:18

God gave us Scripture, which provides examples, prototypes, and history (experience).

Despite the version, through God's message to us we can learn of Holiness, Purity, Authority, and Sovereignty... God's Lordship is clearly displayed and explained for us. In contrast we learn of mankind's rebellious sin, and we are taught about the serious consequences of this choice.

THEN, God begins teaching us about a Pure, Sacrificial Love... We learn of Mercy, Grace, and Salvation. We read of God's promises and faithfulness, His patience and long-suffering with a stubborn and obstinate people. We learn of a Holy and Righteous God continuing to LOVE sacrificially (sustain) and prepare a Way (salvation).

A Way that Glorifies the God of Love, then He calls us to, "Come and do likewise." - Ephesians 5:1

But "self" decided what God really meant in His Word; Scripture became subjective, meaning different things to different people. Some aspects were emphasized to the neglect of others, and the One Clear Message of Great Love was lost in the confusion and debate over principles, precepts, and doctrine. Councils were convened and reconvened to decide what the Bible really says and means.

But God gave us a Living Example, He personally showed us what Scripture actually means.

So that there could be NO excuses... God said, "Let ME show you!"

All of Scripture bears witness to His pure and undefiled Love (John 5:39). The God of Love put this Holy Love on display for all humanity to behold, to learn from, and to IMITATE.

Even the most liberal Bible translation teaches of Jesus's extraordinary LOVE.

Then God Himself, personally (face to face) commanded us to follow His example.

Not through a prophet, inspired Writings, or any other form of communication... Love Incarnate directly looked upon humanity and declared, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." - Matthew 28:18-20 And every translation has Christ's New Command... "A New Commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." - John 13:34

The very depiction of Baptism is unmistakable... Death and burial to self, risen life anew to Christ. God did not merely want a verbal confession, He wanted to engage our understanding by illustration, to what we were actually proclaiming. The very act of Baptism speaks a clear and concise message, and our proceeding actions will either validate or negate the sincerity to each of our confessions.

Do you want to know what Luke 9:23 actually means? "If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me" Examine Jesus's example.

Sanctification and Transformation mean, "I must become less, He must become more." - John 3:30

This is done as we are cleansed (sanctified) of SELF.

Natural man is intrinsically selfish, but God is completely "Otherly".

"Be Holy for I AM Holy." - Leviticus 11:44

Do you want to know God's will for your life? Which way to train up your child?

Which house to buy, car to drive, job to take? Which Church to attend??

Simply understand Scripture (God's message to us) in the context of how Jesus demonstrated it... the Jesus Lived Version.

What should i do? Deny my SELF, sacrificially LOVE others, follow His example.

How should i train up my child? To deny SELF, sacrificially LOVE others, follow Christ's example.

Which car, house, or job should i have? The ones that maximize my ability to LOVE others, following His example, NOT the ones which cater to SELF's Image, Comfort, and Status.

But to what extent am i to Love Others? God wants me happy which means i need to maintain a good standard of living and enjoy this time i have on earth. My wife (or husband) and my kids deserve a good life too! Me, My, and Mine will sacrifice a little (much more than most) but to actually, "Deny self, live sacrificially, and follow Jesus the Christ's example..."?

How would we survive in the way we are accustomed to? People would think i was crazy.

BINGO... How crazy was it for the One who had everything and needed nothing to lay those aside, take on the form of a person, and live as a servant?

The God of Love took on flesh to meet the need of showing us what REPENTING from Loving Self (sin) looks like. While on this earth, Jesus's actions corrected the Biblical "experts" interpretation and gave us a much-needed Object Lesson in Loving.

Jesus fulfilled all God's requirements by living in Obedience of laying down His life daily, and Loving as God Loves... With ALL His heart, soul, mind, and strength. Jesus obediently denied Loving Self for the sake of Loving Others, even to the point of being crucified.

Despite His condition of Self, from being laid in a stable trough to hung upon a Roman cross, Jesus Loved those in NEED. ("Woman, behold your son." - John 19:26)

The Holy Spirit testifies to us, "This is what Kingdom LOVE looks like. Now cease LOVING SELF as the world does and begin LOVING outwardly as He showed you."

God is Love, because He Loves in a pure and undefiled way.

We see color because all light is absorbed except for the particular color, which is reflected. Black absorbs ALL, while White reflects ALL.

God is Light (amazingly bright), and in Him there is no darkness at all. - 1 John 1:5

God is Holy, Holy, Holy (entirely otherly)

God made man (male & female) in His image and likeness. Mankind was to glorify God by Loving as God Loves, as Jesus (God incarnate) Loved.

Receiving God's promised provision (love) by faith and then loving another likewise. "We love because He first loved us."

But mankind followed satan's example instead... by taking God's provision (love) and loving SELF instead of loving others.

Adam and Eve defiled God's love by elevating the desires of Self above the needs of Others.

SELF is the source of every sin, and religions were devised attempting to justify and preserve SELF.

Jesus said, "You search (and search, and search) the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life..." - John 5:39a

We've meticulously minded and distilled its principles, precepts, and doctrines; and we've derived various conclusions and theologies resulting in the obvious polarization and division we witness all around us.

"One says, 'I am a follower of Paul,' and another says, 'I follow Apollos,' aren't you acting just like the people of the world?" - 1 Corinthians 3:4

We say, "I'm a Methodist, I'm a Baptist, I'm a Presbyterian, I'm a Lutheran...."

We say, "I follow Calvin or I follow Arminius." Why do we follow particular teachers or theologians... for the same reason some followed Paul, others Apollos.

We say, "KJV only!" or "ESV, NASB, NIV is BEST!" or "Never Paraphrase versions!".

We surround ourselves with teachers and preachers who emphasis what SELF likes.

We read and re-read our preferred Bible version, we memorize and recite...

But Jesus continued, "It is they (Scriptures) that bear witness about Me." - John 5:39b

NIV, NLT, ESV, BSB, BLB, KJV, NKJV, KJ21, AMP, NASB, NASB1995, NASB1977, AB, CSB, HCSB, ASV, CEV, GNT, ISV, NAB, NRSV, WEB, YLT, plus many more... ALL tell of the Love of Christ, where the God of LOVE took on flesh to teach us to LOVE like God loves. To SHOW us what is being taught from Genesis through Revelation.

The One who chastised those that taught reliance and elevation of SELF by adherence to the Law.

The One who showed us what faith in God's provision and God's will for one's life looked like, while showing us what obedience to "Loving God with all our heart all our mind all our soul and all our strength" looked like.

We only Love God when we're Loving others... like Jesus showed us.

This other-focused and sacrificial Love of Christ was not (is not) unique to the Son as Messiah; lest we never forget that Jesus said, "If you have seen Me, you've seen the Father." - John 14:9

This unique (Holy) LOVE, that runs antithetical to our being, that defies our sense of logic and reason, is the Glory of the One eternal God.

God alone is its source, and God alone is its recipient... unless we hoard it to self. Which the God of Love allows for only a period of TIME, "Not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach REPENTANCE." - 2 Peter 3:9

A Repentance from Loving Self to Loving Others... like God, thus drawing near to Him while Seeking His Kingdom.

Understanding God's Love by Contrast: Loving like the world loves...

Observe our culture as America runs from God and towards self.

As our American society collapses, with its crime, poverty, diseases, and civil unrest increasing...

As Civil Government now cares for the homeless, widows, orphans, sick, and while eliminating the "unwanted" through euthanasia and abortion...

Our expressions of SELF are increasing; our display of a personal image, of how we look, how we live, what we drive, where we go. Just look on the highway, in suburban neighborhoods, on Facebook. People are expressing the attributes of self (look at me, my, mine) in an increasing measure.

As Government provides for the needy, Churches respond by building bigger buildings.

As Government trains our children, Christian parents both work hard and acquire Nicer Things.

As the spirit of this world captivates more, we withdraw into My life, My family, My friends, My Church... those who reciprocate (reflect back to me) My expressions of Love to them.

Jesus said, "When you give a feast, do not ask your friends, your brothers, your relatives, nor rich neighbors, lest they also invite you back, and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just." - Luke 14:12-14

Jesus Lovingly wept over Jerusalem, while we ardently proclaim Election.

Jesus glorified God through Sacrificial Love, while we glorify God by emphasizing Sovereignty.

Jesus used God's provision to Love those in need, while we prioritize OUR needs.

Every action of Jesus was motivated by the Greatest Love, His crucifixion being the Ultimate expression of God-like Love.

Jesus reflected ALL of God's Love in Loving Obedience to the Giver of Love.

A Beautifully displayed OBJECT LESSON in Love... from Him to and for us.

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