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  • Writer's pictureDwayne L Albin


Updated: Mar 12

As Christians we have inculcated habits, morality, and vocabulary into our lives... But can Scripture have God's desired effect to LITERALLY cleanse and reshape our very being into the likeness of His Son (in both thought and deed) without our first understanding the fundamental aspect of SIN which contaminates our souls?

What is the Chaff exposed by sifting, or the Dross which the refiners fire brings to the surface?

If a RELATIONSHIP with our Savior results in a disciple conforming and transforming into His Image... Then what needs to be removed which will result in our becoming ever increasingly Sanctified? Moving towards the perfection which Christ displayed for us?

Jesus explained, "A disciple is not above his teacher, but every one perfected shall be as his teacher." Luke 6:40

A parent warns their child, "If you do that again, you'll get a spanking."

The judge says, "Next time you will go to jail."

Corporal punishment serves as a deterrent to both the young and old, but is this why there is pain in childbirth or toil and sweat in work? Did the God of Love merely decree that we deserve this punishment for disobeying His Commands?

Consider this... If Holy Christlike Love is completely others focused (selfless) and every Command of God is framed upon that very precept, and if Adam and Eve actualized SIN into existence by committing the first selfish act, then God exposing selflessness by making the sacrifice burdensome is indeed cleansing to our very soul.

Enduring childbirth for the love of your child, or working day after day, year after year, to provide for others despite the burden upon SELF (which these acts impose) is leading us into a Repentance from Self.

Pain and suffering are also consequences of mankind's choice to rebel in loving SELF over loving God; and the existence of these help expose those who are His and those who are not. The people who sacrificially and selflessly love others regardless of personal challenges and the people who continue to primarily pursue and protect the interests of SELF.

One group looks for and shows compassion to those suffering while the other group seeks to insulate me, my, and mine from the trials of this world.

Jesus displayed for us that Holy Love is completely others focused, despite the consequences of SIN which self is exposed to... Which manifested the greatest act of LOVE for us to observe and also IMITATE.

Jesus told Peter, "Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat." - Luke 22:31

Wheat is the commodity, the substance which provides nutrients for others. Chaff is the contaminant which taints the wheat, making it much less useful (possibly useless) if it remains combined.

Salt is the same... Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men." - Matthew 5:13

Salt is a mineral which only loses its saltiness by becoming contaminated.

But what contaminates our SOULS, for which this world exposes perfectly?

Understanding the schemes of the enemy, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy..." - John 10:10a

Satan's tactic is quite simple, and quite effective.

LOVE is the KEY... Love is the Commodity.

All righteousness is based on and is derived from LOVE (Matthew 22:40).

Love must be the motivation for any action to be profitable, because without Love... Proclaiming God's Word with all accuracy, boldly speaking about Jesus, or even dying as a martyr is of no benefit (1 Corinthians 13:1).

God is FAITHFUL to Love, so much so John tells us twice, "God is Love." - 1 John 4:8,16

God showers His Love upon the just and unjust, "For in Him we live, and move, and have our being." - Acts 17:28

How is the Pure and Holy Love that God gives mankind made less effective or even useless (contaminated) within our souls?

How does Satan steal, kill, and destroy?

It is insidious in its simplicity and effectiveness...

Satan simply deceives us by "Appearing to be a Messenger of Truth" (an Angelos of Light).

Satan defines to this world what it means to love.

Love emanates from the God of Love; He is its source, so satan merely tells us to absorb and enjoy, "You deserve Good things, just do it (what you like), you got this, you're in control."

Satan appeals to our SELF, "Don't risk, don't invest without reward, protect and embellish me, my, and mine."

Our acts of generosity, charity, and sacrifice are governed by its effect upon SELF. We naturally assume that God's Love is meant for me, my, and mine FIRST.

Satan constantly appeals to our sense of security and comfort, the very things that Christ Jesus called us to deny, just like He showed us.

Look at how this world behaves, the division between the Left and Right.

BOTH claim that "LOVE WINS", yet each side defines what that means very differently.

To the Left, love wins means the ability to do anything SELF desires.

To the Right, love wins means that Christ's Love overcomes all SIN (the desires of SELF).

To the Left, love wins means a woman can terminate a pregnancy for SELF.

To the Right, love wins means complete sacrifice for the sake of OTHERS.

To the Left, love wins means I can live how I want.

To the Right, love wins means living like Christ.

Where do each derive the definition of what LOVE is?

To those on His right... From God's Word which testifies of Him (Love Incarnate).

To those on His left... From the one who disguises himself as a messenger of truth.

Chaff and Dross are IMPURITIES within the soul drawn to us from our inclination to SELF, which is the aspect of our being to which the World, Flesh, and Satan appeal to.

The Crowds that "Turned away and followed Him no more", did so because of SELF.

Those that "Departed from the faithful, because they were never part of them", were led by SELF.

Are we following Him? Are we part of His?

Could we be among those who are being DECEIVED, not being aware of what "evil" entails (2 Timothy 3:13)?

Or the extent of how totally depraved mankind is (Romans 3:12)?

"Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble;" - 2 Peter 1:10

Ours is a journey of observing, discerning, and imitation.

"Beloved, do not imitate evil but imitate good. Whoever does good is from God; whoever does evil has not seen God." - 3 John 1:11

We are called to "Follow the leader", and to Lead those who follow.

"Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their way of life, imitate their faith." - Hebrews 13:7

Jesus the Christ is our prime example.

"For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow His steps," - 1 Peter 2:21

Christlikeness is our only goal.

Paul said, "You are to imitate me, just as i imitate Christ." - 1 Corinthians 4:16, 11:1

A growing Christlikeness (pure others focused love) is the evidence we look for in those who lead, in ourselves, and to sprout and grow in those who follow.

"And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His image with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, Who is Spirit." - 2 Corinthians 3:18

Understanding the purpose of Trials, Struggles, and Sifting.

What inhibits or prevents sanctification within our souls and transformation into His image?

The very cancer that trials, struggles, and temptations expose. The infection which was produced at the fall of mankind when our representatives (Adam & Eve) defied the Greatest of Commands and loved themselves over loving God.

"Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, ALL your soul, ALL your mind, ALL your strength."

"And the second is like it, to love your neighbor as yourself." (Neighbor being... those in need)

Why is it a fact that... "The poor you will always have with you..." - Matthew 26:11

Is poverty simply perpetual, or is poverty being perpetuated by those prioritizing SELF?

When we Love ourselves we will consider, protect and prioritize Self first and foremost; above God, before serving others.

When we Love ourselves first and foremost, afterwards it is much easier to be generous and charitable with what is leftover.

Satan tempts us to consider self, to protect or promote self, to prioritize or embellish self; and once we do, then he (satan) accuses us before a Holy God in the very defiance we partook in.

Satan tempts, persuades, or threatens us to love self before loving God (Through loving others, Matthew 25:40).

But Jesus was obedient to loving God (through loving others) by denying Self... from the Cradle to the Cross.

YET as those "In Christ" we continue in protecting, promoting, and prioritizing Self. Considering our embellishment a "Blessing" from the Lord and Savior Who calls us to, "Deny self, take up your cross daily, and follow Me."

Peter told his Lord, "The others may, but I will never fall away from You!" - Matthew 26:33

Yet when Peter's SELF was threatened three times, Peter prioritized SELF three times.

Schemes of the Enemy:

How did Satan sift Peter? With Pornography, a bottle of Whiskey, a free trip to Las Vegas?

How did Satan effect Paul, "For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do", was it adultery, drunkenness, or stealing?

How does Satan ensnare the Rich; are those with wealth more prone to SIN???

How did Satan try to sift, effect, and ensnare Jesus? By simply whispering to Him, "You deserve, just do it, you got this".

The very advertising slogans which continue to prove most effective in our day and in our lives.


"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God." - Matthew 19:24

Did God sovereignly choose to not elect those who have money and possessions?

OR is it the very attribute (chaff/dross) which remains in the UNREPENTANT that leads to accumulating money and possessions?

The very dichotomy that Paul struggled with, the very reason God provided a "Thorn in the flesh" was to aid him in denying his SELF.

"Therefore by their fruits you shall know them" - Matthew 7:20

Does a plant display attributes which promote and protect itself (thorns, thistles, poison) above the surrounding plants, or does a plant prioritize producing for others (fruit and food)?

Those who are Christ's will display the attribute which He displayed...

Others focused love, not self-focused.

Paul cried out, "For i resolve to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." - 1 Corinthians 2:2

The very factors that should motivate us to, "Take up our cross daily and follow Him." - Luke 9:23

I've listened and learned from many prominent and passionate Bible teachers and theologians for decades. Hour upon hour, 6 days each week for over 25 years my radio at work has fed my soul with God's word. Men and women "rightly dividing" Scripture, bringing those pages alive connecting the New with the Old. Adrian Rogers, Haddon Robinson/Alice Matthews, J. Vernon McGee, RC Sproul, Nancy DeMoss, John MacArthur, Tony Evans, Charles Stanley... and "yes" even Ravi Zacharias.

Year after year they faithfully taught the Bible, year after year they proclaimed the Salvation found in Christ alone. Year after year i've stood in awe and benefited by their ability to illuminate (connect and explain) God's Word.

Yet i've never once thought, "Wow, he/she is so Christlike", or even more like Christ this decade than last.

YES they appeared wholesome and moral.

YES they did many good things promoting the Bible.

But they grew older, many retired to California or Florida, many passed on from this world, some were exposed as overt sinners defying the very Word they proclaimed.

YES they each taught the Bible, but Jesus gave us the Object Lesson in living the Bible.

Jesus said, "You pour over the Scriptures, because you presume that by them you possess eternal life. These are the words that testify (tell us) about ME." - John 5:39

The reason many of us (the rich) love the Bible and devote time to learning and teaching it to others, yet are stagnant in transformation is because we fail to rid ourselves of every burden and sin (contamination) that so easily ensnares us...

Satan says, "These are love."

Jesus says, "Do you love ME more than these?"

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