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Writer's pictureDwayne L Albin

Natural Man (male & female) VS2

Updated: Apr 6

Why do people reject the obvious, the rational, and the logical?

If you set sail on a solo voyage in the vast Pacific Ocean, then found yourself on a small remote island after your boat sank in a storm. If while you were walking you came across a set of markings on the sandy beach that looked like this...

What would you instinctively know, beyond doubt? Would you ever consider that maybe waves pushing small stones or sticks could produce such an image?

For such order, structure, and information... intelligence is mandatory.

Without seeing him or her, you already know that someone else occupies the same island. That they speak english, and are most likely in distress also.

So much can be derived from simple "scratches" in the sand.

Now consider a small Acorn...

This is so complex that we think it "simple", a mere seed that produces a tree. When it actually is a small container of information, instruction, and energy; enough to produce an entire forest of trees.

Or how a woman and man can produce an infant? Cell division, which contains such a sophisticated multi-level programing that "these cells" will become organs, and "these cells" will become fingers or toes, and if damaged they are able to repair themselves.

Why can we not be fooled by a four-letter word etched in sand on a beach, but stand obstinate in the face of overwhelming and irrefutable evidence of Intelligent Design?

What malfunction has occurred within our psyche which has left humanity so vulnerable to quite literal absurdity appearing as truth? As in, everything came from nothing, life sprang from non-life, and then later developed a conscience and morals. That a fetus is only a blob of tissue and is not a human yet.

Even Darwin had a plausible excuse, he witnessed tadpoles spontaneously appearing in a stagnate puddle of water; and a living cell was just a blurry blob similar to that puddle... So, he surmised, "life just happens". And Justice Blackmun and the 1973 Supreme Court was veiled from seeing inside a mother's womb as they decided the fate of the unknown.

Yet even Darwin was intellectually honest enough to declare that if ever Irreducible Complexity was found, then his theory would be disproven; and Blackmun said that if ever it was shown that a fetus is a person within the womb, their court decision would fall apart.

Scientific advancements in microbiology and ultrasound technology have actually substantiated one source of truth while diminishing the other.

But what are the two Sources of truth and why are they BELIEVED?

Understanding the Source(s) of Truth

Adam & Eve were made with the ability to related and interact with both their environment and Creator. Perfect communion existed within all of Creation.

God is the Source of all things, everything was made according to His will and emanated from His power and His authority. God lovingly provided ALL that there was, and humanity likewise was to reflect that love with ALL that they had.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul with all your strength and with all your mind..." - Luke 10:27

God freely, lovingly, and faithfully provided all for them... until SELFISHNESS (self love) occurred.

But Satan said, "I will keep Your love and exalt Myself." - Isaiah 14:13-14

Adam and Eve said, "We will defy Your love and love Ourselves." - Genesis 3:12

A CHASM occurred between Selfish Love // Holy Love, due to the immediate death of mankind's spirit. "For in the day that you eat of this fruit, you will surely die." - Genesis 2:17

But ALL of them was not yet cast away from His presence, which exposed His MERCY.

Mankind's conciseness (soul) and shell (body) continued to exist, and the choice remained...

because love without choice is not genuine.

God's Truth was delivered through His Son.

The World's truth appeals to us through Satan.

"And you were dead in the trespasses and sins (spiritually dead) in which you once walked (natural man), following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience," - Ephesians 2:1-2

But why would anyone believe a "Liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44)?

And why would anyone resist the Holy Spirit?

"You stubborn people... you always resist the Holy Spirit, just as your father's did." - Acts 7:51

The World's truth:

"And no wonder, for even satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise is his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness..." - 2 Corinthians 11:14-15

We mistakenly interpret this as VISUAL, that satan appears in a gloriously attractive state, so we think... beware of his BEAUTY when we see it.

But what is really being said is that satan disguises himself as a messenger of truth.

Angel is derived from the Greek word angelos, which is a translation of a Hebrew word meaning MESSENGER.

Light is a word which refers to spiritual illumination and truth.

"God's Word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path" - Psalm 119:105

Literally, satan deceives humanity by appearing to be the source of truth.

While God's gift of Grace, Truth, is provided by the Holy Spirit.

And just as satan deceived Eve into believing a LIE, he deceives others also. Without the substantiation that evidence, logic, and reason provide, satan's tactic is emotional manipulation.

Thus, one side desires "debate" to settle a matter (present your case), while the opposing side squelches the evidence and demands acceptance through intimidation (believe or be cancelled).

God's Truth:

But in God's MERCY and by God's GRACE, we are presented with another Truth (Truth from above).

"I am the way and the truth and the life..." - John 14:6

Jesus is the embodiment of truth, but the world did not understand (John 13:7).

Precisely why it was to our benefit that Jesus returned to His home, so as to send the HELPER (Holy Spirit) which will lead us into His Truth.

"When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth." - John 16:13

Jesus ushered genuine truth into our existence; not to force us, but to call to us.

His truth POLARIZES and DIVIDES humanity into one of only two groups...

Those who follow the World's truth // Those who follow God's truth.

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword... Which produces division." - Matthew 10:34-39

Salvation: By Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ ALONE.

Christ alone is the Author and Finisher of our faith. - Hebrews 12:2

Our BEST EFFORTS to do good (the basis of every other belief system from Atheism to Zoroastrianism) and to merit God's favor are nothing more than filthy rags before a Holy God (Isaiah 64:6).

The God of Love, yet again, sacrificially provides what we NEED...

God spoke, Jesus came, and the Holy Spirit leads.

Mankind does not look or work for that (God decided, provided, and calls), we merely cease working (stop resisting), and God does it all.

Jesus said to them, "You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am He you will die in your sins." - John 8:23-24

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