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Writer's pictureDwayne L Albin

The Leaven of Self

Updated: May 2

Scripture uses the term leaven quite often, but leaven is actually the EFFECT which is produced by a SOURCE.

Leaven describes something that once introduced, spreads and permeates its environment... yeast leavens flour.

Jesus uses this VISUAL teaching aid in both positive and negative comparisons.

"The Kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened." - Matthew 13:3

"Watch and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees." - Matthew 16:5-6

In preparation for the first Passover, the LORD was very specific about not only eating unleavened bread, but that every speck of leaven be removed from your dwelling.

(Exodus 12:15-20)

The SOURCE which produces the leavening effect is the key to understanding whether it is good or bad.

Understanding the Source of SIN.

Jesus tells us, "Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me." - Matthew 16:24

Is Jesus simply telling us to deny ourselves the temporary pleasures and benefits of sin (Hebrews 11:25), and to continue killing those desires daily (Galatians 5:24)?

Or does His decree go much deeper than that...

Name some sins...

Murder, adultery, stealing, lying, jealousy, idolatry, blasphemy.

How about, Moses striking a boulder with his staff, King David counting his soldiers, Jonah traveling away from Nineveh, the Israelites refusing to enter the Promised Land?

Or even, mere Anger towards a brother, or a Lustful gaze?

What CONNECTS all of mankind in sin?

"None is righteous, no, not one", "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." - Romans 3:10,23

What COMMON SOURCE produces sin in both a sweet grandmother and convicted felon, in both an infant and the elderly, in both male and female, in every Asian, Australian, or African... in each and every one of the diverse inhabitants on this earth, from mankind's beginning to the present day?

The INCEPTION of Sin and its AFFECT.

What motivated satan which caused him to be thrown down from heaven?

Would you say... Pride?

What motivated Adam and Eve's disobedience which actualized sin into our existence?

Would you say... Desire?

True, but where does pride and desire emanate from, what is its source?

Look at the effect of Sin in the Garden... (Genesis 3:1-24)

Adam & Eve became self-focused, "I'm naked!".

Adam & Eve became self-conscious, "I'm in trouble, go hide!"

Adam & Eve became self-exalting, "Not me, it was him! Not me, it was her! Not us, it was YOU!"

SELF was introduced into Existence.

SELF motivated satan's rebellion ("I will be like God") and mankind's first disobedience ("I will be the authority").

The SOURCE of SIN (rebellion, disobedience) is SELF.

Look at our World, wars and violence, racism and riots, divorce and adultery, abortion and abandonment, cruelty and neglect.

What causes an infant to cry for a bottle or dry diaper, and initiates a toddler to scream for a toy or cookie?

What draws people to the prosperity gospel, or to become enticed by false teachers?

What is the source of both greed and laziness?

What is the target for the world, flesh, and devil?

Flesh, "I desire that!"

World, "You deserve it. Just do it!"

Devil, "God wants you to be happy!"

SELF has infected all of humanity, regardless of age, gender, nationality, education.

Read Matthew 22:2-8, Luke 14:16-21; Why didn't the people respond to their invitation for the Wedding Feast?

Read James 4:3; What is a reason for some prayers being unanswered?

Read Matthew 24:10; What motivates many to fall away?

Read Matthew 19:24; Why is it so difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of God?

What caused Peter's denial, Judas's betrayal, Ananias & Sapphira's deception?

Why did John Mark abandon his colleagues on the first missionary journey?

Every sinner in the Bible, every sinner in the world, and every sin we each make daily are ALL are rooted in SELF.

Focusing only on the effect, without addressing the source, is like trying to maintain a healthy lawn or garden by only cutting off the weeds.

The battle will never cease until the ROOT is eliminated.

Jesus was obedient to His proclamation to "deny self".

The KING of Kings... became a servant to many (Philippians 2:7).

Jesus as God the Son... took upon flesh and became like men (John 1:14).

Jesus as a newborn... was born in a stable and laid in a feeding trough (Luke 2:7).

Jesus as a boy... "I must be about My Father's business." (Luke 2:49)

Jesus in the wilderness... led by the Spirit (Matthew 4:1).

Jesus as a man... "For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken." (John 12:49)

Jesus in the upper room... washing His disciples feet (John 13:12)

Jesus in the garden... "yet not My will, but Yours be done." (Matthew 26:39, Mark 14:36, Luke 22:42, John 6.38)

Jesus as the Christ... obediently denied self from birth unto death, even death on a cross (Philippians 2:8).

When Jesus tells us, "Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Me." We must acknowledge that He set the example for us, not just to admire but to imitate (1 Corinthians 11:1).

Jesus made the Cross an ultimate symbol for Self-sacrifice, which is the ultimate expression of pure Love - John 15:13, and THEN commands us to "Love one another, as I have loved you." - John 13:34

To be His disciple we must follow His example... not in His particular actions, but precisely in His MOTIVATION... "And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength; and likewise, you shall love your neighbor as yourself". - Mark 12:30-31

NOTE: Scripture does not say, "Love your neighbor as well as you love yourself".

Baptism is a visual representation of our verbal confession.

Death to loving self, and Alive to loving God through loving others... Just as Jesus the Christ did!

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